史上最強英文片語 = Idioms & phrases / 蔣志榆作
新多益單字有祕密 : 30天學會必考單字1,000個 = The secret of New TOEIC vocabulary / 蔣志榆作
史上最強英文閱讀單字 = Vocabularies / 蔣志榆作
牛津英語教授告訴你全世界都在用的300個單字 / 蔣志榆著
完全命中英文文法 = English grammar / 蔣志榆作
突破逆境.開創成功人生 [DVD] [錄影資料] = Breakthroughs in adversity : a send-off to a successful life / 余正昭主講
光之瑜伽 [CD] [錄音資料] = Yoga of light / 楊定一主講
圓滿的溝通技巧與人際關係[CD] [錄音資料] = How to perfect your communication skills in interpersonal relationships / 余正昭主講
創造雙贏的銷售談判技巧 [DVD] [錄影資料] = Creating win-win negotiations skills for sales / 余正昭主講
真實瑜伽 [CD] [錄音資料] = Yoga of true / 楊定一主講