你可以更聰明 = Smart than you were! / 青衣著
噓!千萬不要說壞話 / 青衣著
做一個談判高手 = Successful negotiation / 青衣著
每天快樂100% / 青衣著
決定一生成敗的32種性格優勢 : 你是甚麼性格的人 = 32 kind of dispositions superiority / 青衣著
絕對成功的七種智慧 = Seven wisdom laws for success / 毛勇著
企業生存法則 : 突破危機創造轉機 / 張靜著
The VaR implementation handbook [electronic resource] / Greg N. Gregoriou, editor
Trading options as a professional [electronic resource] : techniques for market makers and experienced traders / James B. Bittman