實用面試英語 = Job interviews in English / 劉愛英, 李芳琴, 常亮編著
餐飲英語 = English for Food and Beverage Service / Robert Majure作
實用英文商業財經用語 = Wall Street English / 劉柏登編著
法律英文讀寫實務 = Leagal English / 何主宇主編
很高興認識你 [DVD] [錄影資料] = Please to meet you ; 你何不加入我們呢? = Why don't you join us? ; 互相認識 = Getting acquainted
進度報告 [DVD] [錄影資料] = A report on progress ; 圖表和趨勢 = Graphs and trends ; 顧客問卷調查 = A customer survey