勇敢 / 陳詩欣著
不同消費族群生活型態及食品消費行為之探討 : 以中高齡族群為例 / 張嫈婉,簡相堂作
癌症治療藥物市場潛力及發展趨勢 = Current status and trends in the developmenet of cancer therapeutics / 趙月秀著
雲端服務市場關鍵成功因素與臺灣廠商機會分析 [電子資源] = Key success factors of cloud service market and the opportunities for Taiwan vendors / 魏伊伶, 陳右怡, 陳豫德作
綠建築之跨領域商機與市場發展策略 [電子資源[電子書] = Business opportunities and marketing strategies in cross-industrial technologies of green buildings / 陳嘉茹, 侯鈞元等作
十二五規劃下中國大陸醫藥與醫療器材市場商機與切入策略 [電子資源] = The business opportunities and entry strategies of China's medicine and medical device market under 12th five-year plan / 謝秀欣等作