大藝術家與我[DVD] [錄影資料] = Me and Kaminski / 沃夫岡貝克(Wolfgang Becker)導演
我們都一樣[DVD] [錄影資料] = Just like our parents / 萊絲波丹斯基(Lais Bodanzky)導演
盲點[DVD]. [錄影資料] = Blindspot / 第二季 馬丁格羅(Martin Gero)編劇
小丑的眼淚[DVD] [錄影資料] = Chocolat / 洛契迪森姆(Roschdy Zem)導演
100 questions and answers about tests and measurement / Bruce B. Frey
好死[DVD] [錄影資料] : 探討安寧照顧與安樂死 = A good death
Chronic pain and addiction / volume editors, M.R. Clark, G.J. Treisman
Evidence synthesis for decision making in healthcare / Nicky J. Welton ... [et al.]
Aging, culture and society : a sociological approach / [editor] Jason L. Powell, Ph.D