Fun學初級英文文法 / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明作
誦讀英文文法 = Smiley Grammar Book : World Talk / Dennis Le Boeuf, 景黎明著 ; 景雲譯
英文文法全書活用練習 = Comprehensive grammar and practice book / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
英文文法全書活用練習 = World talk& : dancing with English-comprehensive grammar and practice book / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
Don't say it!600個你一定會錯的英文 = Easy ways to avoid errors in English / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
英文諺語隨翻隨用 = English proverbs from a to z / Neal Lee作
淺酌英語經典散文 = Selected readings in English / Bai Yang著
你的英文夠in嗎? : 最夯的英文俚語用法 = English slang from A to Z / L. A. Crum著
初級英文文法與練習 / 布芒(Diby Beaumont)作 ; 江明真譯
英語聽力口語表達Step by Step = Listening and speaking practice / Guhua Wu著