骨髓移植[DVD] [錄影資料] : 移植與排斥 = Bone marrow transplants:graft vs. host disease / Information Television Network製作
胰臟癌與新療法[VOD] [錄影資料] = Pancreatic cancer:search for the cure / Information Television Network製作
血癌的爭議與解答[VOD] [錄影資料] = Diseases of the blood:issues & answers / Information Television Network製作
未來無手術刀的外科手術[VOD] [錄影資料] = The future of surgery:from knife to nothing / Information Television Network製作
骨髓移植和幹細胞篩選[DVD] [錄影資料] = Bone marrow transplants:stem cellselection & gene therapy / Information Television Network製作