笑一笑,生活不必太計較 = It's a good day in everyday / 戴爾遜編著
一切由習慣決定 : 當習慣寄居在你身上,它就跟定你一輩子了! = Did you become accustomed?! / 戴爾遜著
你就是下一個老闆 : 如何成功的經營自己 / 戴爾遜著
跟猶太人學致富 : 沒有不賺錢的壞景氣,只是你沒有用對方法和技巧 = How do the Jews make money? / 戴爾遜著
貓為什麼不汪汪叫 = Why cats don't wa wa / 戴爾遜著
學會選擇 懂得放棄 = Learning to make decisions, and understanding when to give up / 吳晶著
抓住永恆的幸福 = Catching the eternal bliss in your life / 裴玲編著
感動一輩子的禮物 = The gift of your romantic life / 傑克. 漢森等合著 ; 沈葳譯
別活得那麼累 = Don't drive yourself too hard / 縱華政著