In translation [electronic resource] : translators on their work and what it means / Susan Esther, Bernofsky Allen.
Artist management for the music business [electronic resource] / Paul Allen.
專業調酒瘋玩計劃 : 跟著調酒師喝酒、玩調酒、練品味, 不用喝掛也能成為懂酒知識青年 = Not just a drunkard / Allen鄭亦倫著
Pro smartphone cross-platform development : iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Android development and distribution / by Sarah Allen, Vidal Graupera, Lee Lundrigan
The definitive guide to SQLite / by Grant Allen, Mike Owens
自己玩彩繪 : 陶瓷 = Painting by yourself / 林淑敏著
不可思議的紙飛機 / 王勳邦著
輕鬆學彩繪. 入門篇 / 黃彥蓁作
手作卡片魔法書 / 牧莎記事設計群作
愛上玻璃彩繪 = Love for decorating glass / 林淑敏作