
資料來源: Google Book

String theory demystified [electronic resource] / David McMahon


UNRAVEL the mystery of STRING THEORY Trying to understand string theory but ending up with your brain in knots? Here's your lifeline! This straightforward guide explains the fundamental principles behind this cutting-edge concept. String Theory Demystified elucidates the goal of the theory--to combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single, unified framework. You'll learn about classical strings, conformal field theory, quantization, compactification, and T duality. The book covers supersymmetry and superstrings, D-branes, the holographic principle, and cosmology. Hundreds of examples and illustrations make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce learning. This fast and easy guide offers: Numerous figures to illustrate key concepts Sample problems with worked solutions Coverage of equations of motion, the energy-momentum tensor, and conserved currents A discussion of the Randall-Sundrum model A time-saving approach to performing better on an exam or at work Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, String Theory Demystified is your key to comprehending this theory of everything.


Introduction -- The classical string I : equations of motion -- The classical string II : symmetries and worldsheet currents -- String quantization -- Conformal field theory part I -- BRST quantization -- RNS superstrings -- Compactification and T-duality -- Superstring theory continued -- A summary of superstring theory -- Type II string theories -- Heterotic string theory -- D-branes -- Black holes -- The holographic principle and AdS/CRT correspondance -- String theory and cosmology

資料來源: Google Book
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