專家教你做 : 寶寶美味健康食譜 : 100道營養副食品 寶寶一定愛! / 嘉妮著
寶貝美味健康食譜 : 100道健康副食品 元氣寶寶養成術! / 嘉妮著
Child sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking in the Arab Region / Bernard Gerbaka, Sami Richa, Roland Tomb.
Physical activity and health promotion in the early years : effective strategies for early childhood educators / Hannah Brewer, Mary Renck Jalongo, editors.
The thinking child : laying the foundations of understanding and competence / Pamela May
Young children and families in the information age : applications of technology in early childhood / edited by Kelly L. Heider, Mary Renck Jalongo
The feeling child : laying the foundations of confidence and resilience / Maria Robinson