這三位婦女都有類似的停經經驗,但是她們以不同途徑面對停經的挑戰.美國有四千三百萬名,15歲到50歲之間的育齡婦女,其中有10%的人罹患被稱為 「慢性骨盆疼痛」的骨盆部位疼痛。
早產,中風,生育計畫[DVD] [錄影資料] = Premature birth, stroke, pregnancy planning / Information Television Network製作
心臟病,腸燥症[DVD] [錄影資料] : 運動與懷孕 = Heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, exercise and pregnancy / Information Television Network製作
女性健檢,青少年沮喪,骨質疏鬆症[DVD] [錄影資料] = Well women exam, teens and depression, osteoporosis / Information Television Network製作
女性的氣喘與過敏[DVD] [錄影資料] = Asthma & allergies in women : breathe easy / Information Television Network製作
克服不孕症,化療女性為何要化妝?[DVD] [錄影資料] = Overcoming infertility,minority women,facing the mirror / Information Television Network