征服全民英檢!初級字彙(合訂本) = Elementary vocabulary and exercise for GEPT / Vicky Huang著
征服全民英檢! : 初級字彙&模擬練習 = Elementary vocabulary and exercises for GEPT / Vicky Huang著
最重要的100個英文字首字根 = 100 English prefixes & word roots / 許章真編著
必背初中級英檢單字片語 = Lower intermediate english words / Yoshimura Taksyoshi著
英文諺語隨翻隨用 = English proverbs from a to z / Neal Lee作
邂逅英美經典散文 = A treasury of English famous essays / Frank Chen作
西風英趣 : 聽故事.學英文 / 韓山著