護理學導論 = Introduction to nursing / 屈蓮等合著
護理與法律新論 = Nursing and law : new concepts / 屈蓮,劉篤忠編著
長期照護實務學 = Long term care theory and practice / 屈蓮,熊德筠編著
醫療行政與管理學新論 / 屈蓮編著
醫護法律與倫理 = Health care and nursing : law and ethics / 屈蓮,劉篤忠,熊德筠編著
身體檢查與評估 = Physical examination and assessment / 李婉萍等合著
護理專業倫理與實務 = Ethical practice in nursing care / 徐南麗等編著
健康促進 / 陳美燕等編著
新編基本護理學 = New basic nursing / 曹麗英等編著
老人護理學 = Gerontological nursing / 胡月娟等編著