

扣押幸福 / 告別月事的女人 [DVD] [錄影資料 [DVD] = Freeheld / Women without a pause : a universal reality / 辛西亞.韋德(Cynthia Wade), 寶拉.帕拉希歐絲(Paula Palacios)導演



扣押幸福:資深女警官蘿瑞.海斯特於2006年2月18日因肺癌病逝。二十五年的職業生涯中,蘿瑞曾調查處理過許多犯罪案件,而在她去世前、力抗病魔的一年裡,為了將自己的退休金,轉移到同性伴侶史黛西名下所做的抗爭,使她成為新聞人物。這部紀錄片就是忠實呈現蘿瑞去世前,她們努力爭取應有的平等權利的過程。Freeheld : Detective Lieutenant Laurel Hester spent 25 years investigating tough cases in Ocean County, New Jersey, protecting the rights of victims and putting her life on the line. She had no reason to expect that in the last year of her life, after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, that her final battle for justice would be for the woman she loved. The film chronicles Laurel's struggle to transfer her earned pension to her domestic partner, Stacie Andree. With less than six months to live, Laurel refuses to back down when her elected officials - the Ocean County Freeholders -deny her request to leave her pension to Stacie, an automatic option for heterosexual married couples. The film is structured chronologically, following both the escalation of Laurel's battle with the Freeholders and the decline of her health as cancer spreads to her brain 告別月事的女人:這是第一部談論更年期的紀錄片,全面性探討女性與更年期的各種議題。訪談了不同種族、年齡、職業、身分 的女性,談論個人面對更年期的經驗;以及多位醫學專家探討更年期徵候的治療方法。有趣的是,不同文化對於更年期女性有不同的對待方式,如非洲女性因為無法再懷孕,而變得更加強壯,成為家族中的照顧者,得到更多的尊敬。Women without a pause : In our western societies, life expectancy has increased by 25 years on average. Thus, menopause is becoming a reality for a larger number of women and is revealing a major transformation in our society. Women without a pause is a documentary which shows women above the age of 45 from all over the world


Freeheld =扣押幸福 /directed by Cynthia Wade ; produced by Vanessa Roth & Matthew Syrett (38 min.) Women without a pause : a universal reality =告別月事的女人 /directed by Paula Palacios (54 min.)
