人類發展學 = Human development / 李淑杏等編著
產兒科護理技術 / 李淑杏等作
產科實習手冊 = Pocket guide to obstetric practices / 李淑杏等作
產兒科護理技術 = The skills of obstertric and pediatric nursing / 李淑杏等作
護理專業問題研討 = Current studies in professional nursing issues / 林靜頤等合著
身體檢查與評估 = Physical examination and assessment / 李婉萍等合著
健康促進理論與實務 = Health promotion theory and practice / 張蓓貞編著
健康促進 / 陳美燕等編著
健康與護理 = Health and nursing / 董貞吟等編著