An evidence-based guide to college and university teaching : developing the model teacher / Aaron S. Richmond, Guy A. Boysen and Regan A. R. Gurung.
Star Wars. Exile / Legacy of the force : Aaron Allston
Can we say no? : the challenge of rationing health care / Henry J. Aaron and William B. Schwartz ; with Melissa Cox.
Introduction to sport marketing [electronic resource] / Aaron C.T. Smith.
Internet and the law [electronic resource] : technology, society, and compromises / Aaron Schwabach.
LuLu's快瘦三骨美人操 : 打造鎖骨x肩胛骨x骨盆完美曲線,10分鐘就瘦一圈! / Lulu著
怦然心動 好感女孩髮型 : 0技法X隨手抓,立即打造小V巴掌臉! / 杉浦成規作 ; 游韻馨譯
3040好孕順產知識百科 : [婦產權威名醫助孕書] / 金英雅,朴炫珠著 ; 馬毓玲譯
極上美肌術 : 打造零毛孔的無齡美顏 / 山本未奈子著 ; 游韻馨譯
活腦力 : 77個好習慣 活出不癡呆下半生 / 霜田里繪著 ; 卓惠娟譯