臨床心理學 / 佛洛德譯.
說夢 [電子資源] / 佛洛德著
擺脫苦日子的75條工作定律 = 75 life's law must be experienced in the life = 生活の中で必ず人生時代の法則の75ます條 / 李珊珊著
世界如此不公,你要如何成功? : 別說人生不公平 = The world is so unfair how do you want success / 張久欽著
學校沒教的12堂社會成功學 = 12 social teaching with the sxhool was not successful school / 淩雲著
讓你左右逢源の好關係 = Let your good relations both ways / 許若昭著
性格決定成敗 : 決定成功的最重要條件是什麼? = Character determines the success or failure / 朱天軼著