保存期限長的代價 [錄影資料] : 包裝帶來的健康風險 [DVD] = The price of a long shelf life : the health risk of packaging
時髦卻有害 [錄影資料] : 衣物裡的毒素 [DVD] = Hip but harmful : toxins in clothing
感官刺激 [錄影資料] : 消費者如何受到操縱 [DVD] = Assault on the senses : how consumers are manipulated
使用不再有期限 [錄影資料] : 令人質疑的食品保存法 [DVD] = No more use-by date : questionable food conservation methods
隱形風險 [錄影資料] : 玩具中的化學物質 [DVD] = Posing an invisible risk : chemicals in toys