媽媽想說,女兒卻不想聽的愛情忠告 : 想幸福一生,妳必看的「殘酷真情」媽媽經 = The romantic relationship advice mom wants to give to daughter but daughter doesn't want to listen / 史芬克絲(Sphinx)著
人生苦短,做自己最好...... : 讓你重新找出自己,走出生命框架的55則寓言小故事 / 黃桐著
靠山是假的, 自己才是真的! = We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves / Georgia.com著
不管你捨不捨得,許多事遲早要放下 [電子資源[電子書] : 生命中所有捨與不捨,就像春去秋來,都會過去 = Blessed are those who let go in the flow of life / 凌茜著
人是會動的樹,都有看不見的根 : 我們以為來自外界的影響,往往是源於內在看不見的心境變化 = Humans are just like moving trees with invisible roots / 王啟芬著
幸福不是因為擁有很多,而是執著很少。 : 懂得放下執著,才會明白什麼是你要的幸福 = Instead of having much, persistless lead to happiness / 魏棻卿著