

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPre



When the government of the magic world and authorities at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry refuse to believe in the growing threat of a freshly revived Lord Voldemort, fifteen-year-old Harry Potter finds support from his loyal friends in facing the evil wizard and other new terrors


Dudley demented -- Peck of owls -- Advance guard -- Number twelve, grimmauld place -- Order of the phoenix -- Noble and most ancient house of black -- Ministry of magic -- Hearing -- Woes of Mrs. Weasley -- Luna Lovegood -- Sorting hat's new song -- Professor Umbridge -- Detention with Dolores -- Percy and padfoot -- Hogwarts High inquisitor -- In the hog's head -- Educational decree number twenty-four -- Dumbledore's army -- Lion and the serpent -- Hagrid's tale -- Eye of the snake -- St. Mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries -- Christmas on the closed ward -- Occlumency -- Beetle at bay -- Seen and unforeseen -- Centaur and the sneak -- Snape's worst memory -- Career advice -- Grawp -- O.W.L.s -- Out of the fire -- Fight and flight -- Department of mysteries -- Beyond the veil -- Only one he ever feared -- Lost prophecy -- Second war begins

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