數位版權管理對電子書消費者態度一致性影響之研究 = The influence of digital rights management on consumer attitude consistency / 邵志怡著
社交網站人際關係維繫之研究 : 以Facebook為例 = The research of interpersonal relationship retention in social network : to use facebook as an example / 張純富著
公共政策制定過程的均衡與斷續 [電子資源] = The equlibrium and punctuation for the public policy making process : take the processing model of poisonous milk powder incident for example : 以毒奶粉事件處理模式為例 / 葉峯谷著
數位版權管理對電子書消費者態度一致性影響之研究 [電子資源] = The influence of digital rights management on consumer attitude consistency / 邵志怡著
臺灣兩大報眼中的中國大陸國家形象分析 [電子資源] / 張家琪著