英文閱讀特訓班 : [電子資源] improving your reading ability and comprehension skills = Reading smart 中級篇 王琳詔主編
16堂培養核心素養的英文閱讀課. Developing core competencies in English through reading (advanced) / 進階篇 = 王琳詔總編輯.
Reading smart. improving your reading ability and comprehension skills / advanced : 王琳詔總編輯
英語進階字彙完全攻略 : 選字範圍4500字~7000字 4~6級字彙 = Advanced vocabulary builder for college entrance exams / Matt Werth, Jay Sailors作
英語進階字彙完全攻略 : 選字範圍4500字~7000字 = Advanced vocabulary builder for English exams / Matt Werth, Jay sailors作