高齡者的運動與全人健康 = Exercise and wellness for senior adults / 方進隆作.
高齡者的運動與全人健康 = Exercise and wellness for senior adults / 方進隆作
健康體適能理論與實務 = Theory and practice of health related physical fitness / 方進隆等合著
運動與健康:減肥健身與疾病的運動處方 / 方進隆
健康體適能 : 理論與實務 = Health-related physical fitness : from theory to practice / 方進隆等合著
高齡者居住空間規劃與設計 = The planning and design of the environment for the elderly / 曾思瑜作
臨終與生死關懷 = Hospice and end-of-life concerns / 林綺雲等作
老人休閒活動設計與規劃 = Leisure activities design and planning for the elderly / 周芬姿等作
高齡生活輔具應用 = Applications of assistive technology devices for the elderly / 毛慧芬等作
高齡及特殊族群之運動處方 = Exercise prescription for the elderly and special populations / 李淑芳等作