高齡者的運動與全人健康 = Exercise and wellness for senior adults / 方進隆作.
高齡者的運動與全人健康 = Exercise and wellness for senior adults / 方進隆作
健康體適能 : 理論與實務 = Health-related physical fitness : from theory to practice / 方進隆等合著
運動處方 = Exercise prescription / 方進隆作
老人健康促進 = Geriatric health promotion / 陳雪芬等作
老人用藥安全 = Medication issues for the elderly / 李世代,林香汶作
失智症照護 = Dementia care / 傅中玲等作
老人用藥安全 = Medication issues for the elderly / 李世代, 林香汶作