英文文法全書 = World talk : dancing with English : a book of comprehensive grammar / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明作
英文文法全書 = World talk : dancing with english a book of comprehensive grammar / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明作
Don't say it! 600個你一定會錯的英文 : 一網打盡各種英文常犯錯誤! = Easy ways to avoid errors in English / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
生活英語了沒 = Small talk / Dennis Le Boeuf, Liming Jing著
Don't say it!600個你一定會錯的英文 = Easy ways to avoid errors in English / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
英文文法全書活用練習 = Comprehensive grammar and practice book / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
英文文法全書 = World talk : dancing with English : a book of comprehensive grammar / Dennis Le Boeuf,景黎明著
介詞趣談 = Fun of learning English prepositions / 鄒啟明編著
錢伯斯英文文法與用法A-Z / Penny Hands等編 ; 羅慕謙譯
英文文法聖經 / Michael Strumpf, Auriel Douglas著 ; 羅慕斯譯
彩圖中級英文文法Let's See / Alex Rath作 ; 羅竹君,丁宥榆譯