表白 : 那些說不出口的話 / Dorothy著
Make-believe : games and activities for imaginative play : a book for parents, teachers, and the young children in their lives / by Dorothy G. Singer and Jerome L. Singer.
Clinical coach for effective nursing care for older adults / Dorothy Stano Carlson, Ellen Pfadt.
My dearest enemy, my dangerous friend : making and breaking sibling bonds / Dorothy Rowe.
Family therapy : a systemic integration / Dorothy Stroh Becvar, Raphael J. Becvar.
Managerial leadership in nursing / Dorothy A. Brooten
黑道老大與他養的狗 / 寶總監著
救命茶!善人偏方 / 陳允斌著
湯療 : 史上最正香港養命煲湯,排毒濕x補氣x養潤臟腑,吸收真正需要的營養 / 党毅,陳虎彪著
Thank you : 因為你,我喜歡現在的自己 / Aida作
驚人的神效刮痧板 : 5分鐘刮除病氣、痠痛、水腫全身緊瘦美 / Unique Life著