肩頸放輕鬆, 胸背氣血通 [VOD] [錄影資料] = Relaxing shoulders, activation blood circulation in the chest and back / 張峻斌主講
寬心常覺照, 血管樂逍遙[DVD] [錄影資料] = A relieved mind ensures a healthy cardiovascular system / 張峻斌主講
危機轉生機, 威風不中風 [DVD] [錄影資料] = Turn dangers into opportunities; prevent apoplexy(stroke) and maintain male vigor / 張峻斌主講
血管有彈性, 健康好活力 [DVD] [錄影資料] = Maintaining the elastic : properties of blood vessels enables an energetic life / 張峻斌主講
圖解腦中風的防治與康復 / 張峻斌, 周立群主編
古代養生秘訣的現代研究與應用 [DVD] [錄影資料] : 激活頭面五官, 啟動活力健康 = Preventing head illnesses improving health and vitality / 張峻斌主講