不能說的秘密 [電子資源] : 中共國防白皮書之戰略意涵(1998-2010) = China's defense white papers and their strategic implications : 1998-2010 / 羅文俊著
中國大陸經濟發展與貧困線互動探析 [電子資源[電子書] = The analysis of interaction between economic development and poverty line in mainland China / 呂侑倫著
從封貢到平行 [電子資源] : 甲午戰爭前後的中韓關係(1894-1898) / 林亨芬著
影響中國廠商內銷比例與新產品比例之決定因素 [電子資源] : 學習效果、外溢效果與研發 = The determinants of firms' domestic sales ratios and new product ratios in China : learning effects, spillover effects, and R&D / 康廷嶽著
中國大陸公眾外交作為之影響 [電子資源] : 以美國主流媒體呈現的中國國家形象為例 = The Influence of China's Public Diplomacy in the United States : A Case Study of the Image of China Reflected in Mainstream U.S.Newspapers / 呂美莉著