捷進新英檢字彙 : 每週讀書計畫. 中高級 = Vocabulary builder for GEPT : a 22-week plan. high-intermediate / 顧叔剛, 張麗玉編著
讀金融時報學英文 = Master English with the Financial Times / 顧叔剛編著
新全民英檢黃金考題 : 中級閱讀測驗 = Access to GEPT : reading tests (intermediate) / 顧叔剛著
讀金融時報學英文精選集. Master English with financial times 2 : focus on China / 2, 聚焦中國 = 顧叔剛編著
朗文全民英檢中級菁英挑戰版 [電子資源] : 寫作&口說(複試) = Longman GEPT writing & speaking tests : more practice for GEPT tests (intermediate) / 顧叔剛, Benjamin Adams著