

Brand and talent [electronic resource] / Kevin Keohane



"In Brand and Talent, Kevin Keohane makes the connection between how an organization's purpose, ambition, strategy and positioning should drive and be driven by - its talent agenda. He looks at how organizations ca better communicate with people before, during and after their associatio with the enterprise and presents a "joined up" approach that encompasses th needs of brand, marketing, human resources, corporate communications internal communications and IT. He integrates academic and commercia evidence, as well as practical advice and includes case studies an interviews with thought leaders, such as Tom Crawford, current Head o Internal Comms and Engagement at O2 and UK Director of Internal Comms a British Gas; Gaurav Mishra, Asia Director of Social Media, MSLGROUP; Palom Alos, Head of Global Marketing KPMG; Denmark intranet guru Brett Minchingto and others"-- "Many books talk about brand, still more about talent, yet leading organizations are realising their identity as a service/product provider i virtually inseparable from their identity as a place that attracts motivates and benefits from thriving talent. In Brand and Talent, autho Kevin Keohane looks at how organisations can better communicate with peopl before, during and after their association with the enterprise. He present a "joined up" approach that encompasses the needs of brand, marketing, huma resources, corporate communications, internal communications and IT. H integrates academic and commercial evidence, as well as practical advice an includes case studies and interviews"--


Brand and talent Contents About the author Foreword Preface Acknowledgements 01. Introduction Part One: Brand 02. What is a brand? 03. Defining your brand 04. Brand delivery 05. Brand and social media Part Two: Talent 06. The talent agenda 07. Engaging talent1 Part Three: Brand and talent 08. A better way 09. Purpose 10. Ambition 11. Strategy 12. Proposition 13. Putting it all together 14. Toolkit Part Four: Insight interviews 15. Brand and executive talent ?

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