骨科物理治療學 = Orthopedic physical therapy / 王子娟等作 ; 徐阿田主編
密合度測試落實措施與濾毒罐使用管理技術探討 = Measure to implement fit testing and to develop management techniques for respirator / 陳春萬,杜宗明著
粉體靜電塗裝作業勞工危害調查及粉塵暴露特性評估研究 = Study of hazard survey and characteristics of dust exposure for electrostatic powder coating workers / 錢葉忠,鐘順輝著
職業場所噪音工程改善技術研究 = The study on engineering noise control and improvement technologies in workplaces / 林桂儀等著
混合物對活性碳吸附濃度影響之研究 = Study of effects of activated carbon adsorption for mixtures in different concentrations / 顏慶堂,張弘濱,鐘順輝著
我國戶外高氣溫環境熱壓力現況分析與評估 = Pilot study of heat-stress exposure sensing and heat-warning system for workers in outdoor high-temperature workplace / 陳志勇,龍世俊著