毒懂你的生活 [電子資源] : 環境醫學專家陳保中教你減塑、防空汙、安全性, 打造不受汙染的健康世代 / 陳保中著
道路標線作業勞工鉻酸鉛暴露危害調查 = Survey of lead chromate exposure for road marking workers / 王櫻芳,鐘順輝著
塑膠膜袋製造業勞工空氣中有害物暴露評估與改善策略研究 = The study on exposure assessment and improving strategy of hazardous substances for workers in plastic film and bag manufacturing plants / 陳正堯,張榮偉著
我國戶外高氣溫環境熱壓力現況分析與評估 = Pilot study of heat-stress exposure sensing and heat-warning system for workers in outdoor high-temperature workplace / 陳志勇,龍世俊著
精密機械製造業金屬與危害暴露調查研究 = Precision machinery manufacturing metal and hazards exposure survey / 劉宏信,蔡宗穎,陳成裕著
我國六價鉻作業勞工職業衛生調查 = A survey of occupational health on workers exposed to hexavalent chromium in the workplace / 陳志勇,賴嘉祥著