日本預防美容大商機 = A big business opportunity in Japanese preventive beauty / 楊惠芳作
日本健康產業新商機 = A new business opportunity in Japanese health industry / 楊惠芳作
日本抗老市場大未來 = Wonderful furture in Japan anti-aging marketing / 楊惠芳作
日本健康飲食66大趨勢 = The 66 trends of Japan healthy foods and beverages / 楊惠芳作
生飲自來「好」水 / 楊惠芳,高橋健一作
安部司的餐桌真相大揭秘 = Revealed the truth of dining table / 安部司作 ; 楊惠芳編譯
日本減肥市場大揭秘 = Top secret in Japanese diet marketing / 楊惠芳作
生薑力 : 『石原式健康法』 = Power of Ginger / 石原結實作 ; 楊惠芳譯