The EU's role in world politics [electronic resource] : a retreat from liberal internationalism / Richard Youngs.
Connections : Nursing research, theory, and practice / Anne Young, Susan Gebhardt Taylor, Katherine McLaughlin-Renpenning.
七隻瞎老鼠 / 艾德.楊文.圖 ; 馬景賢譯
Basic clinical neuroanatomy / Paul A. Young
Timeless : a century of iconic looks : recreate the classic makeup and hairstyles from 100 years of beauty / Louise Young, with Loulia Sheppard
千變萬化的天空 = Aspect of meteorology / 梁曉燕主編
環保小小尖兵 = Aspect of environmental protection / 梁曉燕主編
小小動物專家 = Aspect of animals / 梁曉燕主編
交通安全快樂行 = Aspect of transportation / 梁曉燕主編
我們的身體 / 華特迪士尼有限公司原著