慈悲善終 : 社工師的臨床陪伴日誌 / 林怡嘉等作
Environmental alteration leads to human disease : a planetary health approach / Vittorio Ingegnoli, Francesco Lombardo, Giuseppe La Torre, editors.
Disaster nursing, primary health care and communication in uncertainty / Sakiko Kanbara, Shoko Miyagawa, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, editors.
拿到大考作文滿級分 : 老師在講,你有沒有在聽? / 薛樂蓉著
Women's lived experiences of the gender gap : gender inequalities from multiple global perspectives / Angela Fitzgerald, editor.
踏上勇氣之路 : 我們是夢想者聯盟 / 社團法人中華民國身心障礙者藝文推廣協會作