英文文法有道理! : 重新認識英文文法觀念 = Making sense of English / 劉美君著
專業支持介入方案對低具早產徵象婦女住院壓力反應的成效 : The effects of professional support intervention on stress in hospitalized women with preterm labor symptons. / 劉美君撰.
3D影像互動應用趨勢與系統解決方案探索 [電子資源[電子書] = 3D interaction : The applications and system development in future / 劉美君,鄭嘉隆,陳右怡等作
英文寫作有訣竅! : 三句話翻轉英文寫作困境 = Making sense of English writing / 劉美君著
3D影像互動應用趨勢與系統解決方案探索 = 3D interaction : the applications and system development in future / 劉美君,鄭嘉隆,陳右怡等作