Corporate political strategies of private Chinese firms [electronic resource] / Hao Ma, Shu Lin, and Neng Liang.
Laser surface treatment of bio-implant materials / Liang Hao, Jonathan Lawrence.
Fault tolerant control design for hybrid systems / by Hao Yang, Bin Jiang, Vincent Cocquempot
Advances in 3D integrated circuits and systems [electronic resource] / Hao Yu, Chuan-Seng Tan
Medicinal plants [electronic resource] : chemistry, biology and omics / Da Cheng Hao, Xiao-Jie Gu, Pei Gen Xiao.
Dazzling蜜糖吐司 = Sweet celebration / 楊秀容作
一次做六便當 : 菜單研究所的省時省力.低醣備.餐.課 / 張凱程著
全世界最好吃的書 : 餵養你的美食靈魂 / 法蘭索瓦芮吉.高帝(Francois-Regis Gaudry)著 ; 王晶盈,林琬淳,張懿德譯
經典配方再升級 國寶級大師健康麵食寶典 : 108道美味的低碳、減糖、控油、低麩質、無麩質中式麵食、廣式麵點一次學會! / 周清源著
一次做六便當 : 菜單研究所的省時省力、低醣備.餐.課 / 張凱程著