
資料來源: Google Book

明明啊明明 / 吉竹伸介文.圖 ; 許婷婷譯

  • 作者: 吉竹伸介 文.圖
  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: 臺北市 : 三采文化 2021[民110]
  • 叢書名: 三采繪本書坊
  • 主題: 日本兒童文學
  • ISBN: 9789576584954 (精裝) :: NT$360
  • 一般註:譯自: あんなに あんなに
  • 適用對象註:
  • 語文註:國語注音
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 005273489 | 機讀編目格式


The warmest picture book every parent must have. It's clear that it's a Mori Qiqi, but I want to hold it tight. New work by Japanese god-level illustrator Shinsuke Yoshitake, a wonderful picture book for parent-child relationship that makes people cry and laugh! The most touching moments or the most wanting to beat people are real parent-child routines! One day those seemingly ordinary routines will become irreplaceable memories for us, and make people cherish the time spent with children. Dedicated to you who will grow up one day, and you who used to be children.

資料來源: Google Book
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