
資料來源: Google Book

希臘神話 = Greek mythology / 陳秋帆改寫 ; 黃雅玲繪圖

  • 作者: 陳秋帆 改寫
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • Greek mythology
  • 出版: 臺北市 : 臺灣東方 2021[民110]
  • 叢書名: 世界少年文學必讀經典60
  • 主題: 希臘神話
  • 版本:二版
  • ISBN: 9789863384205 (平裝) :: NT$260
  • 一般註:2022年二刷
  • 語文註:正文為國語注音
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 005278150 | 機讀編目格式


The legend of man and god who pioneered the world, in the ancient times, the world was in chaos, and there was neither man nor god, let alone any concrete things. In the beginning, the god who governed the world was the sky and his wife and the earth. The couple gave birth to many children, so a large group of giants and gods appeared in the sky. The later father-son war developed a world where the world was created and the gods were born. There are many stories in ancient Greece. People created gods with distinctive characters. Greek Mythology is a legendary story composed of twelve gods living in Mount Olympus. Some are incredible!

資料來源: Google Book
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