Martian in the playground : understanding the schoolchild with Asperger's syndrome / Clare Sainsbury ; illustrations, Philippa Drakeford
Transgender people and education / Clare Bartholomaeus, Damien W. Riggs
此生必去!台灣健康散步旅行 : 63條紓壓散心清靜之旅 / Clare著
Bedtime / Clare Pollard.
沿著海濱走,台灣60個最美樂活景點 / Clare文. 攝影
教你說餐旅英語 = Essential language for working at hotels, restaurants and airports / 賴世雄總編審
簡報英語 : 「會話」「圖表」完全制霸 = Presentations made easy / 陳豫弘總編輯
教你說會議英語 = Everything you need to know about English for meetings / 賴世雄總編審
貿易英文實用範例 / 黃水乞作
搶救上班族英語. Practical English for business situations / 求職英語 = 王琳詔總編輯