Disability and new media [electronic resource] / Katie Ellis and Mike Kent.
How do flowers grow? / illustrated by Christine Pym ; designed by Suzie Harrison ; written by Katie Daynes.
一天看完的電話英文 / Katy Lin作
Forgotten lives : the role of Lenin's sisters in the Russian Revolution, 1864-1937 / Katy Turton
Assessing common mental health and addiction issues with free-access instruments [electronic resource] / Katie M. Sandberg, Taryn E. Richards, and Bradley T. Erford.
葉勝雄醫師的育兒發燒經 : 從哺育照護到小兒疾病,人氣小兒科醫師的育兒解答 / 葉勝雄著
21天增肌燃脂計畫!啟動生酮與改造體態攻略 : 打造9%體脂!從低醣開始, 搭配間歇斷食, 立刻重啟超狂燃脂代謝 / 馬克.西森(Mark Sisson), 布萊德.柯恩(Brad Kearns)著 ; 游卉庭譯.
骨盆回正 [電子資源] : 療癒身心的練習帖 / 王羽暄著
瑜伽療癒的身心復健科學 : 解讀身體緊繃和疼痛的情緒原貌,找出創傷源頭的身心掃描 / 蔡士傑著
超高效美臀核心瘦身操 / 中村奈緒子著 ; 劉格安譯