
資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊

Child and adolescent psychopathology for school psychology : a practical approach / Terry Diamanduros ... [et al.].



  「我們開始談論一種新的語言、疾病的語言、死亡的語言,以及和疾病共存的語言。我了解到,如果傑克能夠學習『暴龍』(Tyrannosaurus rex)這個字,那麼他也能夠學習『原發性腦瘤』這個字。」






"Child and Adolescent Psychopathology for School Psychology: A Practical Approach is designed as a textbook for school psychology graduate students enrolled in child and adolescent psychopathology courses. This textbook provides a comprehensive view of mental health disorders in children and adolescents that incorporates a school psychological approach in addressing issues related to diagnosis based on criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and educational disability determination under the federal legislation of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. It also examines culturally-related issues associated with specific disorders and the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of youth with mental health conditions. Implications for school psychologists and ways in which they can have a pivotal role in helping schools meet the mental health and learning needs of children and adolescents are addressed. Furthermore, evidence-based educational and mental health supports and interventions applicable to schools are offered. In this preface, we provide information on a) the overall goal of this textbook and our reasons for developing it, b) tools created to support school psychology graduate students' learning of the content covered in the chapters, c) instructor resources, d) the intended audience, and e) content covered in the major sections of the textbook"--


Child and adolescent mental health -- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Intellectual disabilities -- Autism spectrum disorder -- Conduct disorder -- Oppositional defiant disorder -- Intermittent explosive disorder -- Generalized anxiety disorder -- Separation anxiety disorder -- Social anxiety disorder -- Selective mutism -- Major depressive disorder -- Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder -- Persistent depressive disorder -- Obsessive compulsive disorder -- Hoarding disorder -- Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Reactive attachment disorder -- Disinhibited social engagement disorder.

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊
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 著有《美人魚》(Mermaids)、《甜蜜與瘋狂》(Sweet & Crazy),以及記錄她從立陶宛領養一個孩子的經驗的《嬰兒船》(The Baby Boat)。她的文章刊載於《紐約時報》、《O》雜誌、《紅書》(Redbook)、《摩爾》(More)雜誌和《芝加哥論壇報》。她取得哥倫比亞大學的寫作藝術碩士學位,以及奧勒岡大學的學士學位。鄧恩曾經在莎拉羅倫斯學院(Sarah Lawrence College)和西城基督教男青年會(West Side YMCA)授課。目前她和她的兒子居住在紐約市。

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊