大學國際化評鑑 = Measuring internationalization of universities / 姜麗娟著
大學國際化評鑑 [電子資源] = Measuring internationalization of universities / 姜麗娟著.
大學國際化評鑑 [電子資源] = Measuring internationalization of universities / 姜麗娟著
解碼大學評鑑 = Understanding evaluation in higher education / 劉維琪著.
高等教育機構品質保證制度與實踐 : 國際觀與本土觀 = Quality assurance systems and practices at higher education institutions : international and local viewpoints / 蘇錦麗等著
我國高等教育評鑑發展與實務 = The development and practice of higher education evaluation in Taiwan / 吳清山等合著
高等教育評鑑議題研究 = Current issues in higher educatione valuation / 吳清山編著