畢業論文寫作的通關密碼 = Code of thesis writing / 蔡清田著.
國民核心素養 [電子資源] = National core competencies: DNA of 12 year aational education curriculum reform : 十二年國教課程改革的DNA / 蔡清田著
課程與學習領導 [電子資源] = Curriculum and Learning Leadership / 蔡清田等著
教育行動研究 / 蔡清田著
畢業論文寫作的通關密碼 = Code of thesis writing / 蔡清田著
社會科學研究與論文寫作 : 成功發表秘笈 = Social science research and writing skills : tips for successful publications / 蔡今中著.
教育讓社會更美好 = Better education, better society / 吳清山著
特殊教育英文專業字彙 [電子資源] = English vocabulary for special education professionals / 白亦方主編
社會科學研究與論文寫作 : 成功發表秘笈 = Social science research and writing skills : tips for successful publications / 蔡今中著
探究式教學法理論與實踐 [電子資源] = Theory and practice of inquiry-based teaching / 楊芳瑩等合著 ; 蔡雅薰主編.