24 hour瘦身法 / 日向文惠著
新懶人減肥瘦身法 = Lately lazy person weight loss weight reduction method / 日向文惠著 ; 黃琳婷譯
抗老養生事典 / 吉永道夫著
Child physical abuse : current evidence, clinical practice, and policy directions / Tanya S. Hinds, Angelo P. Giardino ; with contributions by Christopher S. Greeley and Rohit Shenoi
芳香女王教你聰明用精油!健.美.瘦輕鬆按出來 / 王爰懿作
Work and mental health in social context / Mark Tausig, Rudy Fenwick
Developing practice for public health and health promotion / Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills