嬰幼兒的教育與輔導 / 黃志成, 林貞谷著
幼兒發展 = Child development / 黃志成,王淑芬,陳玉玟著
幼兒遊戲 / 黃志成,邱碧如著
嬰幼兒保育概論 = Introduction to child care for young child / 黃志成等著
幼兒行為觀察與記錄 = Behavior observation and records of young children / 郭靜晃著
親子話題 = Issues on parent-child relationships / 郭靜晃等著
親職教育理論與實務 / 郭靜晃著
幼兒體能與律動指導 = Guiding young children : instructional methods and materials for physical fitness activities & rhythmic movement / 張瓊方著