我只能為你畫一張小卡片 = Love in the cards / 幾米著
夢想的翅膀 / 幾米等文.圖 ; 郭雪貞, 殷麗君譯
擁抱 : 沒有任何一個擁抱該被忘記 = Hug / 幾米作
故事的開始 / 幾米作
並不很久很久以前 = It was not a long long time ago / 幾米作
又寂寞又美好 = Beautiful solitude / 幾米著
但願有一天你會懂 = I hope that one day you will understand / 幾米作
幾米畫冊創作精選 = Jimmy Liao a collection / 幾米作
我的錯都是大人的錯 = Don't blame me, it's not my fault / 幾米作