做個貼心好媽媽 / 平井信義著 ; 施素筠譯.
責備孩子不如鼓勵他 : 教出好孩子的祕招 / 平井信義原著 ; 陳苑瑜譯
放手,不放任的教養 : 不插手不責罵地守護,孩子「自主發揮」,又懂「適可而止」 / 平井信義著 ; 郭欣怡譯
[圖解式]育兒法 / 平井信義著
育兒許可證 / 平井信義著
Teaching Holocaust literature and film / edited by Robert Eaglestone,Barry Langford
Reflective teaching in early education / Jennifer Colwell ; with Helen Beaumont ... [et al.]
Individual differences and instructed language learning / [edited by] Peter Robinson
Complexity theory and language development : in celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman / edited by Lourdes Ortega, ZhaoHong Han
Conceptual foundations of teaching reading [electronic resource] / Mark Sadoski.