人類行為與社會環境 = Human behavior and social environment / 郭靜晃著
兒童少年與家庭社會工作 = Child, adolescent and family social work / 郭靜晃著
親子話題 / 郭靜晃,吳幸玲著
幼兒體能與律動指導 = Guiding young children : instructional methods and materials for physical fitness activities & rhythmic movement / 張瓊方著
兒童遊戲與發展 = Play and child development / 吳幸玲著
幼兒教玩具設計與運用 = Design educational toys for young children / 劉翠華著
兒童發展與保育 / 郭靜晃作
幼兒遊戲 = Early chiildhood play / 黃志成,林少雀,王淑楨著