維生素&礦物質,你吃對了嗎? = Encyclopedia of vitamin and mineral nutrition / 五十嵐脩著
維生素&礦物質食用百科 = Encyclopedia of vitamin and mineralnutrition / 五十嵐脩著
Developing practice for public health and health promotion / Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills
Child physical abuse : current evidence, clinical practice, and policy directions / Tanya S. Hinds, Angelo P. Giardino ; with contributions by Christopher S. Greeley and Rohit Shenoi
湯.茶良品 : 中醫教你調養臟腑之簡方 / 梁浩榮著
禪武醫之少林養生大法 / 釋延億著
賴,上了癮 : 7類女性依賴症.32則案例解析 / 衿野未矢著 ; 施雯黛譯